Take your time to read this article. Yes, there is a very thin line between these two terms. Many people really still using the wrong idea who must be called as a Hacker and who must be called as a Cracker.
Hacker Concept
At the first, you must remember this: Hacker is Programmer. And yes, you can now delete every single person who does ‘carding’ with no programming skills at all which has been there in your head acknowledged as hacker by yourself. When there is a thin line between Hacker and Cracker, then there is a very big, large, incredible thick line between Hacker and Carder.
A programmer is a person who uses two main ‘gadget’ of their own: language libraries and compilers. If you even unfamiliar with those two, then YOU ARE NOT A PROGRAMMER nor a Hacker. Being a Hacker means you are in some caste in society, but being a Carder means you are nothing but a deceiver.
So where is the point? Can we say that a Programmer must be a Hacker? Here we go: one thing that you need to advance from Programmer to Hacker: Imagination.
Hackers write programs to check the integrity of other programs. When a hacker creates program that can automatically check the security structure of a remote machine, this represents a desire to better what now exists.
Cracker Concept
While in contrast, Crackers rarely write their own programs. Instead, they borrow, beg, or even steal tools from others. They use these tools not to improve Internet security, but to subvert it. They have technique, perhaps, but seldom possess programming skills or imagination. They learn all the holes and may be exceptionally talented at practicing their dark arts, but they remain limited.
A true Cracker creates nothing and destroys musch. His chief pleasure comes from disrupting or otherwise adversely effecting the computer services of others.
Both of hacker and cracker are powerful forces on the Internet. Note this article in your mind. And later i’ll give you more. But remember, this is not about hacking and cracking. But this is about learning.